As reported by the NSW Road Traffic Authority, creating good road landscape can become an important component of the road network in a number of ways. A road median can be a key component in contributing to the character of the area, it can provide structure and three-dimensional scale to the road corridor as well as being a valuable ecological asset in an area, especially when adjacent land is over-developed. A good road landscape helps stabilise slopes and minimise erosion.
The RTA goes on to state that the design must not create hidden public spaces with poor surveillance and that the landscape should be designed so that it filters and cleanses stormwater runoff and minimises waste and pollution in its construction and maintenance.
Further to road medians, roundabouts should be self-draining and must not obstruct sight lines.
Pour On Gravel binder is used and incorporated into these designs across Australia. It is a quick installation process (good for costly lane closures) and very low maintenance. Attractive local gravel and rock can be used and native plants and trees can be planted within the landscaped area and thrive within an environment which is passively irrigating by retaining rainwater.
The simple application, even on large-scale projects can be carried out by anyone and patch repairs when required can be carried out equally as easily and quickly so maintenance is minimal.